
湖北省县、乡两级计划生育服务机构护理人员专业能力及影响因素研究 被引量:3

Research on professional competence of nursing staff from birth planning service organizations in Hubei province
摘要 目的了解湖北省县、乡两级计划生育服务机构护理人员专业能力现状,为进一步制定具有针对性的培训计划和方案提供依据。方法于2007年3月对湖北省17个地、市(州)县乡两级计划生育服务机构工作的820名护理人员,分别以地、市(州)为考区进行理论考试。考试结果利用Epidata3.0软件进行数据录入,采用SPSS11.0软件对数据进行统计描述、方差分析和多元逐步线性回归分析。结果县级计划生育机构护理人员考试成绩平均分60.92±11.25,及格率53.64%;乡级计划生育机构护理人员考试成绩平均分74.90±9.70,及格率94.47%。县乡两级计划生育机构护理人员考试成绩得分率:县级基本理论50.52%、基本技能65.88%和专科护理知识82.32%;乡级基本理论79.74%、基本技能70.14%和专科护理知识71.35%。年龄、学历、从事计划生育工作年限对县、乡两级计划生育机构护理人员考试成绩有显著影响(均P<0.05);年龄和职称是县级护理人员考试成绩的影响因素,而最后学历、工作年限是乡级护理人员考试成绩的影响因素(均P<0.01)。结论县级计划生育服务机构护理人员基本理论、基本技能相对较差;乡级计划生育服务机构护理人员基本技能和专科护理知识相对较差。护理人员的年龄、学历、从事计划生育工作年限均对考试成绩有影响,应采取针对性措施提高其专业能力。 Objective To understand present situation of professional competence of nursing staff working in birth-planning service organizations,and to provide information for managers to build up special training program for nursing staff.Methods A total of 820 nurses working in the birth-planning service organizations of 17 counties and towns in Hubei province were sampled to take a theory examination in March of 2007.The results of the examination were input into the software of Epidata3.0 and SPSS(version 11.0)was used to describe and data,and conduct variance analysis and multiple linear regression.Results The average scores were 60.92±11.25 in nurses working in county-level birth-planning service organizations(qualified rate 53.64%)and 74.90±9.70 in nurses working in town-level organizations(qualified rate 94.47%).The scoring rate of basic theory,basic skills,and specialized knowledge were 50.52%,65.88% and 82.32% respectively in nurses working in county-level birth-planning service organizations,and 79.74%,70.14%,and 71.35% respectively in nurses working in town-level organizations.Ages,educational levels,and length of service had significant impact on results of the examination among nurses working in county-level or town-level birth-planning service organizations.Ages,and technical titles affected the examination results of nurses working in county-level birth-planning service organizations;educational levels,and length of service affected the examination results of nurses working in town-level organizations.Conclusion Nurses working in county-level birth-planning service organizations are poor in basic theory and basic skills,while nurses working in town-level organizations are poor in basic skills and specialized knowledge.Nurses' ages,educational levels,and length of service affect their examination results.Measures should be taken to improve professional competence of nurses.
出处 《护理学杂志》 2010年第22期65-68,共4页
基金 湖北省卫生厅资助项目(200603)
关键词 计划生育服务机构 县级 乡级 护理人员 专业能力 考核成绩 影响因素 birth-planning service organizations county town nursing staff professional competence examination results influencing factor
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