Regarding the utilization of foreign capital as one of the variables which affects the development of our sports goods industry ,the author constructs one model consisting of utilization level of foreign capital,the level of consumption, the structure of consumption and the foreign trade conditions which is tested by the empirical data from 1995 to 2008. The results show that there is a negative correlation between the total asserts of three-enterprises lagging one or two periods and the gross industrial output value of China Educational and Sports Goods. It indicates that the utilization of foreign capital on the development of sports goods dose not show the actual impact and the role commensurate with their status,the overall utilization efficiency of foreign capital is relatively low. The main reasons are that the oversea-funded enterprises care too much about the investing profit, the labor productivity increases too slowly, the preferential tax policies' effect decreases and the market competition aggravates, and so on.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University
sports goods industry
utilization of foreign capital
oversea-funded enterprises