
激励型与指导型自我对话的功能及青少年篮球运动员的偏好 被引量:7

Function and Preferences of Motivational and Instructional Self-Talk for Adolescent Basketball Players
摘要 研究目的:探讨运动员对自我对话(Self-Talk,以下简称ST)的功能和自我对话对运动技术的作用机制,以及他们在篮球技术教学中使用激励型ST和指导型ST的偏好。38个篮球运动员新手(Mage=12.8)参加了常规练习,并在传球、运球和投篮技能测试中使用激励型和指导型ST暗示。研究结果表明,运动员在运球和投篮时,对激励型ST暗示有明显的偏好,而在传球时,他们并没有特别偏爱任何一种类型的ST。此外,运动员使用激励型ST对他们投篮时的注意力、自信心和放松感大有帮助,而指导型ST则对提高其传球技术更加有效。研究结果证实了青少年运动员通过ST影响竞技能力和竞技水平的可能性机制。 The objective of the present study was to explore players' perceptions on self-talk (ST) helpfulness and on the mechanisms through which ST facilitated execution, as well as their preferences over the use of motivational and instruc- tional ST during skill execution. Thirty-eight novice basketball players (Mage = 12.8) participated in a regular practice session and used both motivational and instructional ST cues during the execution of passing, dribbling and shooting skilltests. Athletes reported a significant preference for motivational ST when dribbling and shooting, while they did not favor one ST type over the other when passing. Moreover,athletes' motivational ST was perceived as a significant aid for their concentration, confidence, and sense of relaxation during shooting, while instructional ST as more beneficial for improving their technique during passing. Results offer some substantiation for possible mechanisms through which ST can influence performance at a young age.
作者 林克强
出处 《沈阳体育学院学报》 北大核心 2010年第5期37-41,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Sport University
关键词 青少年篮球运动员 激励型自我对话 指导型自我对话 adolescent basketball players motivational self-talk instructional self-talk
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