目的探讨超声对多发性大动脉炎的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析5例多发性大动脉炎患者的病变段血管声像图改变。结果彩色多普勒超声显示:5例患者中,2例头臂动脉型;1例胸腹主动脉型;1例肾动脉型;1例混合型。超声表现均为病变血管外中膜增厚不均匀,管壁不同程度狭窄,甚至闭塞。结论多发性大动脉炎所累及的血管多以头臂型为著,彩色多普勒超声能较准确、较直观地显示多发性大动脉炎血管受累的性质和范围,是诊断多发性大动脉炎的有效方法之一,可作为临床首选的方法 。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of color doppler ultrasound for polyarteritis.Methods To study the image changes of vascular lesions of the five polyarteritis patient in our hospital retrospectively.Results Color doppler ultrasonography shows: in the five samples,there are two Brachiocephalic artery style,one is abdominal and thoracic aorta style,one is arteria renal artery style,and one case is mixed type.Ultrasonic shows the same symptoms: the extra-tunica media of abnormal vessels thickened uneven;Tube wall stenosis has different degrees,and even obstructed.Conclusion In the samples,brachiocephalic arteritis is the most common vascular lesions caused by polyarteritis.Color doppler ultrasonography could show the characters and scope of vascular lesions accurately and intuitively,so it could be used as the first choice for diagnosis.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal