

Fabrication of the Photon-depleted Squeezed Vacuum States and Associated Squeezing Effects
摘要 利用算符+-1作用于压缩真空态构造一类新的量子态:减光子压缩真空态.在所构造的量子态中,其正交分量的压缩特性与算符作用次数有关,量子态的两个正交分量在算符+-1仅作用于压缩真空态一次以及偶数次的情形下分别在不同的压缩参数的取值区间内产生压缩,并且压缩效应随算符作用次数的增加而减弱. A kind of new quantum states is fabricated by acting on the squeezed vacuum state with the operator a^+-1 and the squeezing effects of the two quadrature components of the states are discussed. The results show that the squeezing characteristic of the quantum states are correlated with the times of the operator act on the squeezed vacuum state. The two quadrature components of the states produce the squeezing effects in different range of the squeezing parameter η respectively when the operator a^+-1 act on the squeezed vacuum state one time only as well as for all the even times. The squeezing effects gradually weaken when the times of the operator act on the squeezed vacuum state added.
出处 《广西科学》 CAS 2010年第4期337-339,共3页 Guangxi Sciences
关键词 量子态 构造 压缩效应 quantum states, fabrication, squeezing effects
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