
和频过程中的绝热与透热过程 被引量:2

Adiabatic and diabatic process of sum frequency
摘要 基于原子绝热布居转移理论和研究方法,研究了和频过程中的绝热和透热物理过程,得到了绝热条件;以绝热和透热过程的新视角阐释了和频过程中能量转换的物理机理.揭示出利用QPM效应实现和频转换过程中能量转换点的位置与透热过程的联系. Based on the adiabatic population conversion theory and method, we study the adiabatic and diabatic physical process for the sum frequency, and obtain the adiabatic condition. The physical mechanics of the energy conversion for the sum frequency is explained by adiabatic and diabatic process with a new visual angle. We show that using QPM to achieve sum frequency, the positions of the energy conversion are association with diabatic process.
出处 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1468-1475,共8页 Scientia Sinica Physica,Mechanica & Astronomica
关键词 和频过程 绝热过程 透热过程 sum frequency, adiabaticity, diabaticity
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