
奥巴马医改会否寿终正寝? 被引量:1

Is Obama Care Coming to the End?
摘要 美国共和党在这次中期选取中取得了重大胜利:在众议院中取得了多数党的地位,在参议院中也增加了重要票数,使得民主党仅保持了简单多数的地位。共和党的根本目标是要堵住奥巴马连任下一届总统的道路。对于奥巴马国内政策上取得的最重大突破——医改立法的通过,共和党希望通过将此立法彻底推翻,使奥巴马的威信彻底扫地,从而实现杜绝其连任的目的。 The Republicans have achieved great victory in the midterm election in November, and their ultimate goal is to prevent Obama being elected again as president in 2012. Therefore, they want to repeal the Obama Care Act, which is the most prominent achievement for Obama.
作者 蔡江南
出处 《中国医院院长》 2010年第24期28-29,共2页 China Hospital CEO
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  • 2该法案文本可在英国议会的官方网站上阅读,http://scl7iccs.parliamcnt.uk/bills/2010-11/healthandsoeialeare.html.
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  • 10Ray Robinson and Julian Le Grand, "Contracting and the Purchaser provider Split," in Saltman and Otter ( eds. ) , Implementing Planned Markets in Health Care, pp. 25 -44.









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