通过向真鲷幼鱼饵料中分别添加0 .2% 、0.5 % 和1% 的EPA、DHA 以及两种混合脂肪酸,以豆油为基础脂肪源研究真鲷幼鱼的EPA、DHA 的需求量。结果表明,饵料中缺乏EPA、DHA 时,真鲷幼鱼生长缓慢,成活率仅达65 % ;随着EPA 在饵料中的添加,幼鱼的成活率与增重率都有所增加,但只添加EPA 并不能满足幼鱼的生长需要;饵料中只添加DHA 亦能使幼鱼的成活率及增重率有所提高,DHA 比EPA 更有营养价值;饵料中添加EPA、DHA 混合脂肪酸时,幼鱼的成活率高达100% 。
The red sea bream's requirements of EPA ,DHA and their mixture acids were studied by addition of 0.2%,0.5% and 1% respectavly into the experimental diets. The results showed: the juvenile growth was slow and survival rate was only 65%, when EPA and DHA were insufficient in diets. Its weight gain and survival rate increased after EPA was added into the diets,but EPA alone was not good enough for the requirements of the fish growth. When DHA only was added into the diets, the weight gain and survival rate of the juvenily increased.DHA was more nutritious than EPA to the juvenile of red seabream. Its survival rate was 100% and it grew fast when a mixture of EPA and DHA was added into diets.
Marine Fisheries Research