目的 :观察糖尿病肾病 (DN)尿毒症患者血液透析 (HD)的时机 ,血管通路的建立及透析时的并发症。方法 :糖尿病 (DM)诊断符合WHO诊断标准。DN均依据患者的持续性蛋白尿而诊断。DM病史 13~ 30余年 ,患者平均年龄 5 7 3岁。采用德国产费森尤斯 (fresenius)A2 0 0 8C型人工肾机 ,醋酸盐透析。每周平均透析时数 10~ 12h。2例采用动静脉内瘘。 8例采用动静脉外瘘。结果 :10例患者中最长透析时间为 4年 ,最短为 1年。 4例死亡。死亡原因为心、脑血管并发症。结论 :DN尿毒症患者HD的开始时间要早 ,其血管通路较难建立 ;HD时的并发症较多 ,以低血压更为常见 ,本组发生率为36% ,应当引起注意。
Objective:To study the opportunity of Hemodialysis(HD) in the patient of Diabetic nephropathy(DN),the establishment of vascular road and the complication during HD.Methods:The diagnosis of all Diabetes mellitus(DM) patients confer to the standard by WHO.DN is diagnosed to the consistant proteinuria.The average age is 57 3 years old.The disease history of DM is 13~30 years.The artificial kidney(Fresenius A2008C) is produced by Germany.The methods Ac HD is adopted.HD is performed for 10~12 hours per week.The internal arteriovenous fistula(IAVF) is operated in 2cases.The outer arteriovenous fistula(OAVF) in 8 cases.Results:The longest of HD continues for 4 year,the short for 1 year in 10cases.The death of 4 cases is caused by the complication of the vessel in the heart and brain.Conclusions:The better,the earlier of HD in the patient of Chronic renal failure of DN.The attention should be paid to the complication of HD,especially to the low blood pressure.
Hebei Medical Journal
Nephropathy Diabetic Chronic renal failure Hemodialysis