Objective To evaluate the practicalityt and effect of Alphaadrenoceptor (α1) agonis (Midodrine Hydrochloride) on erectile dysfunction resulted from chronic prostatitis. Methods Total of 24 cases of erectile dysfunction resulted from chronic prostatitis with average aeg of 31.6, average symptoms' history of 7.5 months, average IIEF-5 score of 14,5 4- 3.96, underwent the therapy, intaking Midodrine Hydrochloride 2,5rag twice a day, plus 10mg about an hour ahead of sexual intercourse done once a week at least, for 4 weeks. The effect had been entirely assessed by IIEF-5. Results The whole effective rate of this series was 87.5%, with only 3 patients of no effect. The average score of IIEF-5 had risen to 20.36± 5.38 from previous 14.5±3.96. No side reaction occurred. Conclusions Alphaadrenoceptor (α1) agonist (Midodrine Hydrochloride) applied on erectlie dysfunction resulted from chronic prostatitis was practical, safe and simple. Its effect was positive. It maybe one choice of new therapies on erectlie dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction
Chronic prostatitis
Alpha-adrenoceptor ( α1) agonist