
两次打击致犬多器官功能衰竭的实验研究 被引量:15

A two-hit dog model for the study of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
摘要 目的 通过失血性休克加内毒素血症两次打击建立犬多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)的动物模型,研究动物各器官代偿与失代偿的反应过程.方法 选择由新疆医科大学实验动物中心提供的体质量(15±2)kg雄性Beagle犬7只,采用Wiggers法造成失血性休克,复苏12 h后由静脉持续12 h滴入1.5 mg/kg内毒素,建立MODS模型.MODS诊断标准为出现两个或两个以上器官功能障碍者.在建模前、建模后0,3,6,9,12 h观察实验犬各脏器功能,及肝、肾病理组织学变化.采用SPSS12.0软件包,于各时间点行重复测量资料方差分析.结果 模型建立后,实验犬WBC,PaO2,LP,ALT,AST,Cr,BUN均有明显变化,与建模前差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);其肝、肾病理损害明显.结论 以失血性休克加内毒素血症的方法可成功建立双相迟发型犬MODS模型,能较好反映实验犬对创伤和感染因素表现出器官功能由代偿到失代偿的反应过程. Objective Beagle dogs were subjected to hemorrhagic shock plus resuscitation and endotoxiemia (two-hit) to set up multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) model. In the study, this model can be used to monitor the responses of organ compensation and in compensation. Method Seven male Beagle dogs, weight ( 15 ± 2) kg, were provided by animal experiment centre of Xinjiang Medical University. MODS model was set up in 7 Beagle dogs. Hemorrhagic shock was produced according to the method of Wigger. After the resuscitation,Escherichia coli endotoxin was given via the femoral vein at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg. The criteria of MODS were defined as the presence of two or more of organ dysfunction. Clinical biochemical values were examined before making model and 0 h,3 h,6 h,9 h, 12 h after the establishment of model. The pathological change of the liver and the kidney were observed under the light microscopy. Results Significant differences of WBC,PaO2,LP,ALT, AST,Cr and BUN were observed after the establishment of model compared with those before the establishment of model ( P 〈 0.05). Severe pathological lesions were observed in tissues of the liver and kidney. Conclusions Hemorrhagic shock and endotoxemia,a two-hit method, can be used to set up a delayed animal model for MODS to study the responses of organ dysfunction caused by ischemic and infectious diseases.
出处 《中华急诊医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1167-1170,共4页 Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30960146) 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金资助项目(200821114) 新疆医科大学一附院科研奖励基金资助项目(2009-YFY-19)
关键词 多器官功能障碍综合征 内毒素 创伤 动物模型 Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome Endatoxin Hemorrhagic Animal model Dog
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