
The electrical property of MnCo_2O_4 and its application for SUS 430 metallic interconnect 被引量:2

The electrical property of MnCo_2O_4 and its application for SUS 430 metallic interconnect
摘要 The conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel,the best route to form the MnCo2O4 protective coating applied by the sol-gel process,and its effect on the intermediate temperature oxidation behavior of SUS 430 alloy,a typical material for the interconnect of solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC),was investigated.The phase structure and surface morphology of the coating and surface oxides were characterized by XRD,SEM and EDS;the "4-probe" method was employed to determine the conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel and the area specific resistance(ASR)of the surface oxides.The conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel is excellent,which is 2 orders of magnitude better than that of MnCr2O4 spinel.Long-term thermally cyclic oxidation at 750°C in SOFC cathode atmosphere and ASR measurement have shown that calcined in reducing atmosphere followed by pre-oxidation in the air is the best technique for forming the MnCo2O4 protective coating,which enhances the oxidation resistance,and improves the electrical conductivity and adherence of coated SUS 430 alloy significantly.As a result,the MnCo2O4 spinel is the most potential candidate for SOFC metallic interconnect protective coating application. The conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel, the best route to form the MnCo2O4 protective coating applied by the sol-gel process, and its effect on the intermediate temperature oxidation behavior of SUS 430 alloy, a typical material for the interconnect of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), was investigated. The phase structure and surface morphology of the coating and surface oxides were character- ized by XRD, SEM and EDS; the "4-probe" method was employed to determine the conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel and the area specific resistance (ASR) of the surface oxides. The conductivity of MnCo2O4 spinel is excellent, which is 2 orders of magnitude better than that of MnCr2O4 spinel. Long-term thermally cyclic oxidation at 750℃ in SOFC cathode atmosphere and ASR meas- urement have shown that calcined in reducing atmosphere followed by pre-oxidation in the air is the best technique for forming the MnCo2O4 protective coating, which enhances the oxidation resistance, and improves the electrical conductivity and adherence of coated SUS 430 alloy significantly. As a result, the MnCo2O4 spinel is the most potential candidate for SOFC metallic inter- connect protective coating application.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第33期3831-3837,共7页
基金 supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2006AA03Z227) National Natural Science Foundation of China(50771048) the Analytical and Testing Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology for SEM and XRD assistance
关键词 金属互连 SUS 固体氧化物燃料电池 应用 电性能 不锈钢合金 表面电导率 保护涂层 solid oxide fuel cell, MnCo204, oxidation kinetics, area specific resistance
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