
空间推理中方向关系模型的研究 被引量:3

Research on the Model of Spatial Direction Relation in Spatial Reasoning
摘要 空间方向关系的基本模型在研究空间推理上起着至关重要的作用,直接影响空间推理中合成或反方向合成的准确性和效果。文章阐述了现有空间推理中所采用的几种基本模型,对比和分析了现有模型的优点、缺点以及其适用性等问题,在现有主流的MBR框架基础上提出了一种改良后的新模型。经过对比和分析,得到结果表明此新模型在适应度、灵活度、准确度上都有一定提高并能很好的匹配人们的认知习惯。为今后的空间推理寻找到了一种新的思路和新的方法。 The basic model of the spatial directions plays a vital role in the research of spatial reasoning,which impact directly on the accuracy and effectiveness of the synthetic and the opposite directional synthesis in the spatial reasoning.The paper described several basic models on the spatial reasoning currently,compares and analyses the advantages、the disadvantages and the applicability of the models,creates a new model in the framework of the existing mainstream based on the MBR.Through comparison and analysis,obtained results shows that this new model of fitness,flexibility,accuracy and can all have some very good matches to the people's cognitive habits.A new thinking and new methods in spatial reasoning in the future.
作者 何云斌 边健
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2010年第4期62-65,120,共5页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 空间数据库 方向关系模型 方向关系 空间推理 spatial database directional relation model spatial direction relation spatial reasoning
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