禽流感(Avian influenza)已经变成会在全世界爆发的疫情,从而对各国人民的社会生活和经济发展造成了严重的后果,通过各国科学家们的通力合作和不断的调查研究,已经形成了一个共同的观点,禽流感的爆发与飞禽的迁徙有着密切的关系,基于这种阶段性的结论,对于禽流感的研究很大部分已经转向飞禽迁徙路线的研究,在这种前提下提出设计一种通过利用现有的GPS技术和GSM/GPRS技术来完成一种用于跟踪飞禽迁徙特性的跟踪定位节点。
Avian influenza has become epidemic disease all over the world.So it has brings serious damage to the development of social and ecnomic,through the cooperation and investigation,there is agreement with the epidemic disease,the break of the disease has close relation with bird migration,base this phase conclusion,the research most turn to migration route,so we design a track node for record the migration informaton by using the technology of GPS and GSM/GPRS.
Computer & Digital Engineering