目的 分析1989-2006年辽宁省成年居民不同地区膳食结构变化趋势.方法 采用分层多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,利用1989、1991、1993、2000、2004和2006年中国健康与营养调查资料,选取辽宁省沈阳市、营口市、瓦房店市、抚顺市清原县、本溪市桓仁县和朝阳县共480户居民中18~65岁的健康成年人(6213名)作为本次调查对象.分析不同食物摄入量变化情况;以不同营养素的摄入量达到推荐摄入量(RNI)或适宜摄入量(AI)的百分比,以及谷类、动物性食物和豆类及其制品提供能量和蛋白质占总能量和蛋白质的百分比作为营养素摄入和膳食状况评价的指标,分析辽宁省成年居民膳食结构变化趋势.结果 辽宁省成年居民谷类摄入量由1989年的601.9g/d下降到2006年的372.5 g/d,薯类由75.6 g/d下降到60.1 g/d,豆类及其制品由38.7g/d下降到29.0 g/d.2006年同1989年相比,谷类下降最为明显,降幅为38.1%,豆类和薯类分别下降25.1%和20.5%,蔬菜摄入量从296.1 g/d上升到316.3g/d,水果由70.7 g/d上升到104.4g/d,增加了47.7%.畜禽类由65.6 g/d上升到89.8 g/d,增长了36.9%,鱼虾类由25 g/d上升到44.3 g/d,增加了77.2%,蛋类从17.3 g/d上升到35.7 g/d,奶类由5.8 g/d上升到21.3 g/d;谷类提供的能量和蛋白质的百分比分别从67.5%(每天8.7 MJ/12.8 MJ)和72%(每天66.2g/91.9 g)降至51.5%(每天5.0 MJ/9.6 MJ)和59.7%(每天45.3g/75.9 g),动物性食物提供能量和蛋白质的百分比由8.9%(每天1.1 MJ/12.8 MJ)和15.9%(每天14.6 g/91.9 g)升至14.8%(每天1.4 MJ/9.6 MJ)和27.9%(每天21. 2/g75.9 g);2006年,维生素A摄人量(508.9μg/d)达到RNI的67.6%、维生素B2(0.9 mg/d)达到RNI的64.6%、钙摄入量(453.7 ms/d)仅达到AI的52.5%.结论 1989-2006年辽宁省成年居民植物性食物摄入量下降,动物性食物上升,居民膳食中钙及维生素A、维生素B2的摄人量有待进一步提高.
Objective To study the changes of dietary pattern among adult residents in different areas of Liaoning province from 1989 to 2006. Methods Healthy adults (6213 subjects) at age of 18 -65 years from 480 households in three cities (Shenyang, Yingkou, Wafangdian) and three counties (Qingyuan,Huanren, Chaoyang) were selected with stratified multiple cluster random sampling. The information on nutrient intake of the subjects were collected from datasets of Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey conducted in 1989, 1991,1993,2000, 2004, and 2006. Different food intake, the nutrients intake percentages for recommended nutrition intake (RNI) and appropriate intake (AI), and the percentages of total energy and protein from grain, animal product, bean and its product were calculated to assess the residents' dietary pattern and nutrition status. The changes of dietary pattern among adult residents were analyzed. Results Among the residents,there were a 38. 1% of decreased intake for grain(from 601.9 to 372. 5 g/d) ,20. 5% for potato (from 75.6 to 60. 1 g/d) ,25. 1% for beans(from 38.7 to 29. 0 g/d) ,and a 77. 2% of increased intake for fish and shrimp (from 25.0 to 44. 3 g/d), 36. 9% for livestock and poultry (from 65.6 to 89.8 g/d) ,47.7% for fruit (from 70. 7 to 104.4 g/d), and intake of milk product (from 5.8 to 21.3 g/d),egg(from 17.3 to 35.7 g/d),vegetable(from 296. 1 to 316.3 g/d) were also increased from 1989 to 2006. During the period, the intake percentages of energy and protein from grain decreased from 67.5% (8.7 MJ/12. 8 MJ per day) to 51.5% (5.0 MJ/9. 6 MJ per day) and from 72. 0% (66. 2 g/91.9 g per day) to 59. 7% (45.3 g/75.9 g per day) ,and on the contrary those from animal products increased from 8.9% (1. 1 MJ/12. 8 MJ per day) to 14.8(1.4 MJ/9. 6 MJ per day) and from 15.9%(14. 6 g/91.9 gper day) to 27. 9% (21.2 g/75.9 g per day) ,respectively. In 2006,the intake of vitamin A(508.9 μg/d) was 67.6% of it's RNI,intake of vitamin B2 (0. 9 mg/d) was 64. 6% and the intake of calcium(453.7 mg/d)was 52. 5% of it's AI among the residents. Conclusion The intake of plant food decreased and that of animal food increased from 1989 to 2006 and the dietary intakes of calcium,vitamin A,vitamin B2 need to be increased among adult population of Liaoning province.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
Nutrition surveys