本文陈述了椎间盘突出(disk protrusion)的病因、诊断及鉴别诊断。现代医生没有了CT和MRI便不会看病,实属可悲。对腰椎间盘突出症(LIDH)的治疗需根据中医整脊学系列教材严格的适应症和禁忌症,对疑难病例需多学科专家共同会诊,笔者建议:困难手术病例,以神经外科医生为主,必须确保不会造成神经损伤,否则还是不做手术好。
This article mentioned about the etiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of disk protrusion. Nowadays, this is a tragedy that physicians can not make any medical decision without the help medical imaging like CT and MRI. For lumbar intervertebral disc herniation (LIDH), the indications and contraindications of treatment should be strictly followed according to the standardized series of textbook of chiropractic of Chinese medicine. For the uncertain cases, it is necessary to have consultations by multi-disciplinary experts. A suggestion given by the author is shown as followings: for the difficult cases, surgeries should be led by neurological surgeons. This is to ensure that there will be no damage to the nerves. Otherwise, surgeries were not advised.
World Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthoprdics