

Clinical analysis of treatment on 67 cases of malposition of the third lumber back joint
摘要 第三腰椎后关节错缝为腰部常见的慢性软组织损伤性疾病,也是难治愈的腰痛病之一。其发病率较高,严重影响着人们的工作和生活。一般治疗方法难于奏效,近年来,笔者应用四维牵引整脊配合枕垫治疗第三腰椎后关节错缝67例,取得了满意的疗效,现报告如下。 Malposition of the third lumber back joint is a kind of common disease in waist caused by chronic soft tissue injury. It's also one of the waist diseases hard to cure. The incidence of this disease is high.It effects people's work and life seriously.The efficacy of the treatment most in use for the disease is not satisfying.In recent years the writer has got satisfying clinical results of the treatment by si-wei traction and Chinese spinal orthopaedic combined with pillow mat to treat the desease.
出处 《世界中医骨科杂志》 2010年第2期110-111,共2页 World Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthoprdics
关键词 四维牵引 整脊 枕垫 第三腰椎后关节错缝 Si-wei traction,Spinal orthopaedic, Pillow mat, Malposition of the third lumber back joint
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