5T. M. H. Playfair. The Miao Tzu of Kueichou and Yunnan From Chinese Descriptions. The China Review, Vol.Ⅴ, July, 1876 To June, 1877, PP. 92 - 108.
6Clark, George W. Kweichou And Yunnan Provinces. Printed at the "Shanghai Mercury" Office, 1894. PP. 74-88.
7Colquhoun, A. R. Across Chryse: being the narrative of a journey of exploration through the south China border lands from Canton to Mandalay. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1883, Vol, 1, PP. 371-375.
9Giuliano Bertueeioli. Chinese Books from the Library of the Italian Geographical Society in Rome Illustrating the Liives of Ethnic Minorities in South-west China. East and West, 1987 (37), PP. 399 -438.
10Laura Hostetler. Chinese ethnography in eighteenth century : Miao Albums of Guizhou Province. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1995. PP. 348 - 360.