
基于资源观的人力资本测量方法研究 被引量:3

A Study of Human Capital Measurement based on Resource-based Review
摘要 虽然人力资本的研究在这些年得到了飞速的发展,但是如何测量人力资本在学界没有统一的标准,尤其是组织层面人力资本。本文从个体层面和组织层面两个方面来回顾以往研究中人力资本的测量方法,并做了简要评述。在分析前人的研究的局限性后,本文采用了台湾学者叶俶祯基于资源观对组织层面人力资本的定义,在此基础上将组织层面人力资本分为人力资本数量、人力资本与组织匹配度、人力资本互补性以及人力资本专用性四个维度,并提出对这四个维度的测量指标及指标的问题描述。 Although the research of human capital has been developed rapidly these years, but there still has no unified standard in academic of how to measure human capital, especially to measure the human capital in organizational level. This paper reviews previous researches of human capital' s measurement from both the individual level and the organizational level, and then dose a briefly comment on previous research. After analyzing previous researches' limitations, this paper adopts the definition of human capital proposed by a Taiwan scholar named Ye Shuzhen who has defined the human capital from organizational level based on the resource-based review. On that basis, we divides the organizational level' s human capital into four dimensions which are quality of human capital, human capital-organization fit, complementarity of human capital, specificity of human capital, and we proposes measurements for each of the four dimensions separately.
出处 《管理学家(学术版)》 2010年第12期22-30,共9页
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(71072082) 四川省软科学资助项目(2009ZR0077)
关键词 人力资本 资源观 人力资本测量 组织层面人力资本 human capital resource review human capital measurement organizational level's human capital
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