
从《雪野宁静》看美国当代诗歌的某种转向 被引量:1

A Turning of American Contemporary Poetry:A Study on Robert Bly’s Silence in the Snowy Fields
摘要 《雪野宁静》是美国当代著名诗人罗伯特.勃莱的开山之作,出版于二十世纪六十年代初,它出版后经历了一个从广受质疑与贬斥到倍受欢迎与赞颂的接受过程,有批评家认为,"它标志着一个时代的结束,另一个时代的开始"。二十世纪上半叶美国诗歌是由以艾略特、庞德、威廉斯等为代表的现代派独领风骚,而《雪野宁静》出版后所遭遇的不平凡经历,迥异于现代主义的诗歌风格,其独特的艺术气质给我们开启了一扇了解一段美国诗歌历史的窗口,美国诗歌正是在这一时期发生了某种根本性的转向。 Silence in the Snowy Fields is the first book by Robert Bly,a contemporary American poet.It was published in the early 1960s.After the publication,it has undergone a period of two totally different reception attitudes: from doubt and depreciation to high praise and wide recognition.Some critic thinks that "the book signals the end of an era and the beginning of another." The first half of the twentieth century in the history of American poetry is known to be dominated by Modernism represented by such poets as T.S.Eliot,Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams.Through the study of the book Silence of the Snowy Fields in its unique experience,distinctive poetic style and fresh artistic favors,we can come to a good understanding of a certain period of American poetry history.It is the very time after the publication of Bly’s book that American poetry was taking a new turning.
作者 肖小军
出处 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2010年第6期34-39,共6页 Journal of Shenzhen Polytechnic
关键词 《雪野宁静》 罗伯特·勃莱 现代主义诗歌 转向 Silence in the Snowy Fields Robert Bly Modernist poetry turning
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  • 1Davis, William. Understanding Robert Bly [M] Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1988.
  • 2Davis, William. Robert Bly and His Critics [M].Columbia: Camden House, Inc. 1994: 1.
  • 3Hughes, D. J. "The Demand ofPoetry"[J]. Nation (5 January), 1963: 16-18.
  • 4Jerome, Judson. "A Poetry Chronicle--Part I"[J]. Antioch Review 23 (1), 1963: 109-24.
  • 5Stepanchev, Stephan. "Chorus of Versemakers: A Mid- 1963 Medley" [J] . New York Herald Tribune Books (11 August), 1963: 7.
  • 6Anonymous, "Review of Silence in the Snowy Fields" [J]. Beloit Poetry Journal 14, 1963/64: 39.
  • 7Derleth, August. "Books of the Times"[J]. The Capital Times. (January 17), 1963: 20.
  • 8Nordell, Roderick. "From the Bookshelf: A Poet in Minnesota" [J].Christian Science Monitor (23 January), 1963: 9.
  • 9Clunk. "Review of Silence in the Snowy Fields" [J]. Burning Deck, 1962 ( 1):58.
  • 10Hamilton, Ian. "On the Rhythmic Run" [J]. Observer. (20 March), 1967: 23.


  • 1Rothenberg,Jerome.“Deep Image and Mode:An Exchange with Robert Creeley”.in Prefaces & Other Writings[M].New York:New Directions,1981.
  • 2Bly,Robert.Talking All Morning[M].Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1980.
  • 3Kelly,Robert."Notes on the Poetry of Deep Image"[A].Trobar:A Magazine of New Poetry[C].1961.
  • 4French,Warren.Robert Bly:Twayne's United States Authors Series[ M ].Boston:Indiana University,1986.
  • 5Eliot,T.S.Selected Prose[ M ].ed.by John Hayward,London:Harper and Harper,1963.
  • 6Bly,Robert.American Poetry:Wildness and Domesticity[ M ].New York:Harper & Row,Publishers,1990.
  • 7Perkins,David.A History of Modern Poetry-Modernism and After[ M ].Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1987.
  • 8Simpson,Louis."Poetic Chronicle"[J].in Hudson Review (Spring),1963.
  • 9Heyen,William.“Inward to the World:the Poetry of Robert Bly”[J].The Far Point(Fall/Winter),1969.
  • 10Bly,Robert.Silence in the Snowy Fields[M].Connecticut:Wesleyan University Press,1962.



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  • 2区鉷,肖小军.诗歌·意象·无意识:“深层意象”阐释[J].中山大学学报(社会科学版),2007,47(3):40-45. 被引量:10
  • 3米尔希·埃利亚德.神秘主义、巫术与文化风尚[M].宋立道,鲁奇,译.北京:光明日报出版社,1990:48.
  • 4荣格.荣格谈心灵之路[M].梁凤雁,编译.北京:中国工人出版社,2009:150.
  • 5Bly, Robert. American Poetry: Wilderness and Domesticity[ M]. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1990.
  • 6Bly, Robert. What the Image Can Do [ A]. Donald Hall (ed.). Claims for Poetry[ C ]. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1982.
  • 7Quetchenbach, Bernard W. Back from the "Far Field": Speaking of (and for) Nature in the Work of Three Contemporary A- merican Poets [ D ]. Purdue University, 1993.
  • 8Harris, Victorial Frenkel. The Incorporative Consciousness of Robert Bly[ M]. Illinois:Southern Illinois University, 1992.
  • 9Bly, Robert. Silence in the Snowy Fields[ M]. Middletown, CT:Wesleyan University Press, 1962.
  • 10Nelson, Howard. Robert Bly An Introduction to the Poetry[ M ]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984.









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