研究小鼠皮肤角质细胞在电场中的移动以及微管、微丝和钙离子通道在细胞移动中的作用。制作直流电场干预细胞装置,以不同强度的电流作用于小鼠皮肤角质细胞,并在培养基中加入L-型钙离子通道阻断剂硝苯地平、微管抑制剂秋水仙碱和微丝抑制剂细胞松弛素B观察小鼠皮肤角质细胞运动的变化。结果表明:小鼠皮肤角质细胞在1.6 mA电流刺激下向阴极方向移动,移动速率为29.966μm/h。加入硝苯地平,对小鼠皮肤角质细胞移动的抑制作用不明显。而秋水仙碱和细胞松弛素B对小鼠皮肤角质细胞移动有明显抑制作用。小鼠皮肤角质细胞在电场中可以向阴极定向移动,微管和微丝参与调解这一运动,而L-型钙离子通道与此运动无关。
To investigate the movement of mouse keratinocytes under electric fields and the function of actin,microtube and Calcium-channel in this mechanism.A direct current interference device was made to impose different current intensity on mouse keratinocytes.Adding L-type Calcium-channel blocker Nifedipine,actin antagonist Cytochalasin B and microtube antagonist Colchicine were added to the culture medium to investigate their influences towards the movement of kerat inocytes.Results showed that mouse keratinocytes exposed in current intensity of 1.6 mA moved to the cathode at an average rate of 29.966 μm/h.Moreover,L-type Calcium-channel blocker-Nifedipine had almost no restrain in cell migration.But Cytochalasin B and Colchicine expressed a strong effect of restrain.Mouse keratinocytes exposed in electric fields move to the cathode,which is mediated by actin and microtube,but L-type Calcium-channel is unrelated to this movement.
Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research