

Physical Effects Assessment on a Large-scale Rocket-rain in East Gansu
摘要 根据环县城关镇南关外场WR-98型火箭规模化作业参数和西峰新一代天气雷达的连续监测资料,通过火箭增雨作业影响区与对比区自动雨量站的小时降水量对比,利用双比分析方法客观评估作业区和对比区天气雷达回波物理参量作业前后的相对变化,应用Z-R关系计算作业后小时降水率的变化,检验人影火箭增雨的效果。结果表明,外场火箭增雨3 h内效果显著,影响区小时降水量的持续增强与非影响区的随机变化差异显著;天气雷达回波强度、垂直液态水积分含量和云顶高度作业后相对增强值分别为43%、106%和54%;此次规模化火箭增雨小时降水量增加率为93.4%。 Based on the WR-98 rocket operating parameters in Nanguan outfield of Huanxian Chengguan town and the continuous monitoring data of Xifeng new-generation weather radar, through the hour precipitation comparison of the rainfall in the rocket-rain affected areas and the control area, the dual-contrast analysis was adopted to evaluate the relative changes of the physical parameters of weather radar echo in the op- erating areas and control area before and after operation, and Z-R relations was adopted to calculate the changes of hour precipiation rates after operation and to test the effectiveness of rocket-rain. The result showd that: the rocket-rain effect was obvious in first three hours, the difference of the continuous strengthening of hour precipitation in the affected areas and the random changes of non-affected areas was significant; the weather radar echo intensity increased by 43% , and the VIL increased by 106% while the ET increased by 54% ; the hour precipitation of this large-scale rocket-rain increased by 93.4%.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第31期17609-17612,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 中国气象局兰州区域气象中心业务建设项目 科技部科研院所社会公益研究专项(2004DIB5J192)共同资助
关键词 人影 火箭 增雨 物理效果 评估 Weather modification Rocket Rain enhancement Physical effects Assessment
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