
在线二氧化氮化学发光测定仪的研制 被引量:4

On-line Chemiluminescence Instrument for Measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide
摘要 基于NO2与鲁米诺溶液的化学发光反应设计制作了在线NO2的化学发光测定仪,并对此仪器进行了优化和表征。仪器由微型流动气液界面化学发光反应器、气液输运系统、化学发光检测系统及数据采集系统组成。此仪器测定NO2的线性范围为5.0×10-11~8.0×10-8(V/V,体积比浓度,下同);峰值响应时间少于1s;时间分辨1s;检出限为5.0×10-11(V/V)。本仪器具有结构简单、体积小、成本低等特点,适用于环境大气中NO2的实时在线测定。 An on-line instrument for the measurement of atmospheric NO2 based on chemiluminescence reaction of Luminal with NO2 was developed,optimized and characterized.The instrument is composed of a gas-liquid interface mini-reactor,gas and liquid transportation system,chemiluminescence detection system and data acquisition system.The linear range for NO2 measurement is 5.0×10 11 -8.0×10 -8(V/V,volume ratio,same hereinafter),peak response time1 s,time resolution is 1 s,and detection limit is 5.0×10-11. The instrument is characterized by simple structure,small size and low cost.
出处 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期607-610,共4页 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
关键词 二氧化氮 鲁米诺 化学发光 Nitrogen dioxide Luminal Chemiluminescence Instrument
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