Aim This papar reported with mesenteric venous thrombisis(MVT) in 7 patients and mesenteric Phlebosclerosis (MPS) in 2 patients, the clinical features, radiological changes and macropathologic findings were described.Method one case with superior mesenteric arteriography (SMA) and 5 cases with repeated plain abdominal X - Hay were examinated, all ceases were ultinately diagnosed by laparotomy. Results MVT was suspected with Sin in one case, the X - rayshowed lieus in 5 cases, but cop 2 cases demonstrating dilation of the small intestine with thick - walled hop. The surgical orpathological findings of intestinal infarction due to thrombosis from superior mesenteric vein and its major branches in 7 cases,but 2 cases were attribute to MPS, the involved bowel was gangrenous, with edernatous and hemorrhopc wall, as well as edematous with thickening of mesentery. The operable patients had 4 cases (within 36h aller adimison), 3 cases survived (PMS in 2Cases), the median time delay was 2. 5 days from adlnision to laparotomy. Six cases died (included one case with reccurentthrolnbosis 4t the site of anastomosis), the mora tlity rate was 66. 7%. ConcluSions The charateristical clinical feattire ofMVT or MPS is severe abdominal pain, the apperance of Pain is more than sugrsted by physical finding. Early diagnosis andifnlnediated laparotomy is the most important treaIJnent for suspected patients.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology