胆石症、胆管肿 瘤、胆管梗阻、胆道感染是胆道外科疾病的四大主题。胆道外科疾病谱在近50年来发生了巨大变化,如单纯胆囊结石明显增多,而肝内胆管结石明显减少,胆囊息肉样病变由于B超的应用而发现率增高,胆管癌和胆囊癌虽有增多趋向但能进行根治性切除术者并不多。同时,这些外科疾病的治疗手段已经发生了巨大变化,如出现了内镜十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术(EST)、胆道镜的应用和腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)。因此,微创外科在胆道外科疾病的治疗中将占主导地位。
Cholelithia-sis, biliarytumor, biliary obstruction and biliary infection are the four major topics of the biliary surgery. The disease spectrum of the biliary surgery has greatly changed in the past fifty years. The simple cholecystolithiasis has increased, the intrahepatolithiasis has signifi-cantly decreased. The sickness rate of poly-poid disease of the gallbladder has increased by the use of B ultrasonic. The tumor of the
gallbladder and biliary duct have increased but the radical operation rate is stili lower At the same time, the methods to treat these dis-eases, as the use of endoscopic sphinctero-tomy (EST), biliary endoscopy and laparo-scopic cholecystectomy (LC), have changed significantly. So we think that minimaliy inva-sive surgery will play a predominant role in the treatment of biliary surgical diseases in the future.
minimally invasive surgerv, biliarv duct, surgical disease, treatment