目的 评价以ET- PNP-G_7为底物的一种新的淀粉酶试剂盒。方法 在Selectrall型全自动生化分析仪上采用连续监测法。结果线性佳,与CFAS的靶值相比相对误差仅0.57%。批内与批间变异系数在3%以下,黄疸、脂血、溶血的干扰不显著,天津地区参考范围设定在50-250U/L(37℃)是适宜的。结论 该方法准确、精密,线性好且快速,具推荐价值。
Objective To evaluatea new assay kit for the detection of a -amy-lase with ET-PNP-G7 as sub-strate. Method Detected a -Amylase activity using kinetic method with Selectral l auto-matic biochemical analyzer. Results It's rela-tive error was only 0. 57% when compared with the value of CFAS The intra - and inter -assay coefficients of variation were less than 3%. The reference value of Tianjin area was 50-250U/L(37℃) . Conclusion The accura-
cy, sensitivity, and !inearity of this method were fine. And this method was rapid and more reliable.