
高校社会资本与核心竞争力 被引量:3

Social Capital and Core Competitiveness of University and College
摘要 当前,社会资本已经成为社会科学领域最前沿和最具影响力的概念之一。社会资本概念运用到高等教育领域中,使大家对高等教育的发展及如何提高核心竞争力有了全新的认识。高校本身创造社会资本,反过来,高校社会资本促进知识的创新,高校与校友、地方、企业等的良好关系以及国际交流与合作开展的程度将使高校获得足够多的社会捐赠和科研经费,并改善学校的生活和政治环境,提高学校的核心竞争力。 At present,social capital has been one of the most forward-looking and influential notions in social sciences.The social capital notion is applied in higher education field which make everybody has new understanding for the higher education's development and the core competitiveness improvement.University itself creates the social capital.Conversely,social capital of university and college promotes knowledge innovation.Keeping good relations between the university and college and the alumnus,the region,and the enterprises and developing international cooperation will make university obtain enough social donations and research spending,improve the university's living conditions and political environment,and enhance the university's core competitiveness.
作者 高玉蓉
机构地区 湛江师范学院
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2010年第12期70-72,共3页 Education and Teaching Research
基金 2010年度湛江市第十批科技公关项目"网络技术与资源在专业课程双语教学中的应用研究"(2010C3110015)
关键词 高校 社会资本 核心竞争力 university and college social capital core competitiveness
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