
航空发动机复杂约束空间内管路敷设技术 被引量:14

Pipe routing for aero-engines in complex constrained space
摘要 手工敷设复杂产品的管路及线缆,会造成反复改动而导致无法避免的浪费,为解决这一问题,综合考虑管路敷设工程规则,基于计算几何、微分几何和智能优化等思想,系统介绍了提出的若干航空发动机管路敷设算法,对管系的敷设顺序与管路路径进行自动求解。算法针对复杂回转空间,不局限于柱面,更具一般性;管路贴近机匣表面并沿测地线敷设,获得了更优的管路轨迹;而对敷设顺序的排序求解,进一步优化了管系的整体敷设。通过若干敷设算例,验证了该方法的有效性。 Complex products usually contained large amount of pipes and cables,manual routing usually led to numerous revisions and waste.By taking engineering rules into consideration,based on computational geometry,differential geometry and intelligent optimization methods,a series of pipe routing algorithms was introduced to solve the routing sequence planning and pipe path planning problems.The algorithms were more general because they were suitable for 3Drevolved space;the pipe paths had the shortest lengths along the geodesic line while being placed next to engine jacket;the routing sequence planning algorithm further guaranteed the global optimization of the pipe system.Several numerical computations of routing examples demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2327-2332,共6页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 总装备部预研重点基金资助项目(9140A18010207LN0101) 沈阳市人才资源专项基金资助项目(20090100947)~~
关键词 航空发动机 复杂约束空间 管路路径 敷设顺序 aero-engines complex constrained space pipe path routing sequence
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