应用通径分析与非线性回归分析方法,剖析了20-60kg瘦肉型肥育猪生产性能与其采食营养素间的相关关系,并就诸因素与日增重间建立了回归预测模型。结果表明,试验猪的肥育性能与其蛋白质摄入量及赖氨酸、蛋氨酸+胱氨酸组成关系十分密切;Zn、Cu、Fe可以过量供给(176.9mg/kg>Zn>110.00 mg/kg,207.33 mg/kg>Cu>7.33 mg/kg,188.98 mg/kg>Fe>117.33 mg/kg),其促生长作用通过Zn实现,Cu,Fe是Zn的间接通径因素;日粮中P具有直接促生长作用,而Ca显示直接抑制效应,但Ca同时又是P的间接通径因素。因此认为,20-60 kg瘦肉型肥育猪P的提入量不宜过低(P>5.55 g/d),Ca的食入量不宜过高(Ca<14.52 g/d)。
A correlative relationship between the dietary nutrients and producfion performance in lean type of fattening pigs which weigh 20-80 kg were researched by a path analysis and nonlinear regression analysis, thus the regression equations between various nutrients and daily live weight gain were established. The results showed that the production performance of the pigs is closely related to their protein intake and composition of Lys and Met + Cys in it. Zn, Cu and Fe in the dietary can be provided excessively (110.00<Zn<176.90 mg/kg, 7.33<Cu<207,33 mg/kg, 117.33<Fe<188.98 mg/kg),and that their growth-stimulation is achieved by Zn,while Cu and Fe are indirect path factor of Zn. P has a direct growth-stimulation effect and Ca a direct inhibition one but Ca is an indirect path factor of P. It was suggested that the intake of P should not be too low (P > 5.55 g/d) and Ca intake should not be over Ca<14.52 g/d.
lean type of fattening pig
path analysis
direct path coefficients
indirect path coefficients
correlation coefficients
daily live weight gain