
移动Ad Hoc网络中提高路由稳定性的动态备份多径路由 被引量:4

Dynamic Backup Multipath Routing for Improving Route Stability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 为了解决移动Ad Hoc网络中备份路径过期问题,提出了一种新的动态备份多径路由(DBR)协议.该协议采用洪泛方式建立主路径,使主路径为源节点和目的节点间跳数最小的路径,并利用周期性发送的HELLO包为主路径上的链路按需构建局部备份路径.DBR协议有效地利用周期性发送的HELLO包,降低了备份路径建立过程中的控制负载.利用HELLO包所交互的当前邻居节点信息构建生存时间尽可能长的备份路径,解决了备份路径的过期问题.理论分析表明,该协议适用于节点密度较大的移动环境.仿真实验表明,该协议在移动性强的环境下具有较好的性能. In mobile Ad Hoc networks,for the expiration of backup route,a dynamic backup routing(DBR) protocol is proposed.The primary path with smallest hop count between source and destination is discovered by flooding,and the local backup paths are set up for each link in the primary path with periodic HELLO packets.There is less backup path expiration since the backup path with longest lifetime is selected for each link.Furthermore,less control overhead is introduced since periodic HELLO packets are made good use of during backup path construction.The theoretical analysis shows DBR protocol better adapts to higher node-density mobile environment,and simulation results also indicate the good performance in high-mobility environment.
出处 《西安交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期16-21,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University
基金 国家"863计划"资助项目(2006AA01Z210)
关键词 移动AD HOC网络 备份路由 可用性 稳定性 mobile Ad Hoc networks; backup routing; availability; stability;
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