
圣言会甘肃传教史述论 被引量:1

An Exposition of the Society of the Divine Word's Mission in Gansu
摘要 圣言会是由德国神父杨生1875年创立于荷兰小城斯泰尔(Steyl)的一个国际性天主教男性传教修会。1879年,首批圣言会会士安治泰和福若瑟抵达香港,揭开了圣言会对华传教史的序幕。中国西北地区曾是圣言会在华传教的重镇。1922年,圣言会从比利时圣母圣心会手中接管陇西(兰州)代牧区。至1953年,圣言会先后派遣数十名会士到甘肃传教,建立了几十个传教站,施洗了大批华人教徒。在艰辛传播福音的同时,圣言会还在甘肃积极推广现代教育,大力开展社会服务,审慎处理与当地穆斯林及其他宗教信众的关系,对其时中国西北地区的社会文化发展影响甚深。圣言会在甘肃传教的历史,是20世纪上半叶所有西方教会组织在华传教史的一个缩影。 The Society of the Divine Word, founded by German Priest Arnold Janssen in 1875 at Steyl, a small town in the Netherlands, is an international Catholic congregation. In 1879, Johann Baptist Anzer and Joseph Freinademetz arrived in Hong Kong that initiated its missionary history in China. The Northwest China was once a very important place for the Society's mission in China. Then the Society took over control of the Apostolic Vicariate of Longxi (Lanzhou) from the CICM, a Belgium Roman Catholic congregation in 1922. From then on to 1953, the Society dispatched successively over ten missionaries to Gansu, established dozens of missionary stations and a large number of Chinese were baptized. With the laborious spread of the Gospel, the Society also vigorously introduced and extended modern education, strenuously did services for the local society and dealt prudently with local Moslems and other religious believers, which inevitably has great effects on the social and cultural development of the Northwestern China. The missionary history of the Society of the Divine Word in Gansu is a historical epitome of the history of the Western pastoral ministries in China in the first half of the 20th century.
作者 陈才俊
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期49-56,共8页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 圣言会 甘肃 濮登博 陇西(兰州)代牧区 Society of the Divine Word Gansu Theodore Buddenbrock Vicariate of Longxi (Lanzhou)
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