
故事世界:跨越与互动——跨媒介视域下的数码叙事 被引量:14

Storyworlds:Transgression and Interaction——Digital Narrative Under the View of Transmediality
摘要 跨学科性和跨媒介性是当下叙事理论发展的两个主要趋势。作为跨媒介叙事的一个种类,数码叙事与新媒介技术发展关系密切。新媒介为数码叙事文类的形成提供了技术支撑,改变了讲故事的方式,同时,这种文类也赋予媒介美学意义和艺术内涵。互动性和叙事性是数码叙事的主要特征。多元媒介间的跨越和多元主体间的互动构建了多维互动的数码故事世界,对它的诗性解读是数码叙事研究的主要动向,也是人类对可能世界中多种叙事可能性进行的新的考量。 Interdisciplinarity and transmediality are the two main trends of narrative studies.As a type of transmedial narrative,digital narrative is closely bound up with the development of New Media.While digital media provide technological support to the formation of new genres,thereby changing the ways of storytelling,the new digital narrative genres embody great aesthetic meaning and artistic interest in return.With interactivity and narrativity as its major characteristics,transgression of media and interaction of subjects in digital narrative conspire to the construction of multiple-dimensional and interactive storyworlds.The poetic study of such worlds points to the major trend in the investigation of new narrative possibilities in the possible worlds.
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期176-179,共4页 Henan Social Sciences
关键词 跨媒介叙事 文类 数码叙事 互动 transmedial narrative genre digital narrative interactivity
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