用东乡伊蚊叮吮含有唇乳突丝虫微丝蚴的模型动物——小鼠血液,待微丝蚴在蚊体内发育至感染期时,分离出感染坳,皮下多点接种43只昆明小鼠(每只15~200条)、1只山羊及2只绵羊(每只200~300条)和4匹驹(每匹750~1 250条);将指状丝虫接种到20只昆明鼠体内,比较两种虫体的致病性。结果:唇乳突丝虫感染鼠有16只经1~8 d潜伏期发病,呈现瘫痪、昏迷症状后死亡.实验羊和驹经5~21d潜伏期后均呈不同程度的运动和神经症状,于接种虫体后40~140 d扑杀.经病理学观察,3种动物脑脊髓均呈现虫伤性液化坏死灶及非化脓性脑脊髓炎变化,在其中枢神经系统组织切片中发现丝虫虫体断面或钙化碎片,从而证明唇乳突丝虫可人工感染昆明小鼠、羊、驹发生脑脊髓丝虫病,进而提出该虫可以成为马、羊脑脊髓丝虫病的病原之一。指状丝虫感染鼠死亡率高于唇乳突丝虫感染鼠(P<0.01),初步认为唇乳突丝虫致病性较指状丝虫弱。
In order to confirm the pathogenicity of Setaria labiatopa- pillosa in unnatural hosts, infective larvae of the worm collected from Aedes togoi which have sucked the microfilaria infested mice were inoculated subcutaneously into 43 Kunming mice, 3 lambs and 4 foals. Sixteen mice showed incoordination and paralysis of limbs 1-8 days after inoculation, followed by coma and death. All the inoculated lambs and foals showed mild incoordination of hind limbs by 5-21 days and were necropsied 40 -140 days later. Lesions found in the central nervous systems are parasitic malacia and non-suppurative encephalomyelitis. Immature Setaria were found in the foci of malacia of 1 mouse, 1 lamb and 1 foal. The pathological changes are similar to those caused by Setaria digitata but the latter seemed more pathogenic.
Setaria labiatopapillosa
experimental infection
unnatural hosts
cerebrospinal setariosis