通信业发展的一大趋势是网络融合和业务融合,就未来网络核心采用何种网络技术的问题,业界一直争论不休。与IP over SDH相比,以ATM技术为核心的网络传送IP业务虽然开销较大,但却适于多业务传送,电路利用率高,网络也很灵活。ATM技术还有很强的伸缩性,在局域网和广域网中都可采用,这一点也是其它技术(如千兆比以太网)所不能匹敌的。
Network convergence and service convergence are the general development trend of the telecom sector. The inductry has been bickering over the network technologies to be used in the future. Compared with IP over SDH, IP over ATM is better suited to multi - service transport with high network availability and flexibility in spite of higher overhead. ATM' s scalability allows its application in LANs and WANs.
World Telecommunications