
基于Copula-GARCH模型的趋势权变相关套期保值研究 被引量:3

The Research of Validity on Chinese Stock Index Futures' Contingency-Related Hedging From Different Investment Styles
摘要 文章分析了股指期货与其标的物之间相关结构的趋势时变特征,提出"趋势权变相关套期保值"假说。然后,选用5种不同风格投资组合作为标的物,用沪深300指数与其仿真交易期货进行套期保值,以方差改善率指标为有效性评价标准,实证检验该假说的有效性及适用性。研究结果表明,趋势权变相关套期保值可以大幅度提高保值效率。 Based on the effectiveness of the hedging model for evaluation of "contingency-related hedging" hypothesis,this paper analyzes the varying characteristics of the related structures between stock index futures and the subject matter.Then,the writer chooses the investment portfolio of different styles as the subject matter,hedges by the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index and its futures,employs the rate of variance to improve as the standard,and evaluates the effectiveness and applicability of the hypothesis.The results show that the contingency related to hedging can preserve and increase the efficiency of a substantial increase.
作者 王周伟
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期34-41,共8页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题<不对称违约传染的供应链融资企业信用风险评价研究>(2009BJB022) 上海市教委科研创新项目<基于Copula-GARCH-VaR算法的股指期货套期保值组合最优扣减比率评估研究>(CW0901) 上海师范大学前瞻与预研项目<基于Copula-VaR算法的股指期货扣减比率研究>(DYW703)
关键词 趋势权变相关 上尾相关系数 下尾相关系数 COPULA-GARCH模型 contingency-related upper tail correlation coefficient low tail correlation coefficient Coupla-GARCH model
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