
直升机全包线飞行控制律的优化设计及其仿真 被引量:2

Optimal Design of Full-envelop Flight Control Law for a Certain Helicopter and Its Simulation
摘要 提出了一种基于多目标遗传算法的直升机全包线飞行控制律优化设计方法。把直升机全包线飞行控制律设计处理成一个多目标优化问题,并以全部设计点总体性能最优作为多目标优化的总目标,以各设计点性能最优作为子目标,以控制律设计要满足的动、静态指标作为约束条件,以控制律参数作为决策变量,再应用多目标遗传算法进行控制律参数寻优。仿真结果表明,应用该方法所获得的直升机俯仰通道控制律参数具有良好的飞行品质和和较好的适应性,表明该方法是合理的和有效的。 For the design of full-envelop flight control law for a certain helicopter,a novel method based on multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is put forward. In this method,the design of flight control law is viewed as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) where obtaining optimal performances in each designed flight envelop are treated as sub-objective and that in all designed flight envelop as objective,flight control law's parameters as decision variables,corresponding performance criteria as constraints.For the MOP,MOGA is used to get the optimal parameters of flight control law in all designed flight envelops.Finally,the novel method is applied to the flight control law's design for a certain helicopter's pitch motion,the simulation results show that the parameters are feasible and the flight performances are satisfactory,which further prove that the method is effective.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期39-42,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60974146)
关键词 多目标遗传算法 直升机 飞行控制律 MOGA helicopter flight control law
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