"Of Marriage and Single Life"是培根散文集Essays里的第八篇。文章从语义和风格两个层面对水天同和何新的译文进行了比较评析。水天同的译文十分忠实原文,不论在内容还是风格上都紧扣原文,表现出译者深厚的中英文功底;何新的译文语言流畅易懂,但意译成分较多,个人发挥之处明显。
Of Marriage and Single Life is the eighth essay in Francis Bacon' Essays.The paper analyzes and compares the two Chinese versions translated by Shui Tiantong and He Xin from semantic and stylistic levels.Shui's version is very faithful to the original in content and style which reflects his profound English and Chinese ability.He Xin's version is smooth and easy to understand,but it tends to be free translation.
Journal of Sichuan College of Education