
日本著作权间接侵害的典型案例、学说及其评析 被引量:15

On the Typical Cases,Theories and Review on Indirect Copyright Infringement in Japan
摘要 在日本,主要通过卡拉OK法理和帮助侵权法理解决著作权间接侵害问题。卡拉OK法理存在过分扩张著作权侵权责任主体和司法权限、混淆作品的利用和著作权侵害之间界限等弊病,帮助侵权法理则存在脱离共同侵权形态、完全独立化的倾向,这种弊端和倾向不利于技术和产业的发达以及公众接触、利用信息的自由。对我国而言,日本解决著作权间接侵害法理的意义在于:方法论上应该区分立法论和解释论、职能上应该区分立法和司法的不能功能、在认定工具等提供者的注意义务或者支持原告停止侵害请求权时都应该慎重。 Indirect copyright infringement is to aim at resolving the problem whether providing platforms,tools,services or copying systems for direct use of copyrighted works(in this paragraph hereinafter referred as to provide tools) infringes copyright.The problem is mainly resovled by 'the Kara OK Rule' and 'Contributory Infringement Rule' in Japan.'the Kara OK Rule'has the defects of excessively widening the subjects of copyright infringement liability and the judicial powers and confusing the boundaries between use of a work and copyright infringement,'Contributory Infringement Rule' has the trend to be separated from the common infringement and independence,such defects and tendencies are not conducive to the advances in technology and the relating industries,and the public's freedom to access and use information.China can learn the following lessons from the rules for Japan to resovle the indirect copyright infringement:It should be distinguished between legislation and its interpretation about Methodology,legislative power and judicial power about function,and should also be prudent to judge the tools providers's duty of care or admit the plaintiff's right to seek injunction.
作者 李扬
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期53-70,共18页 The Jurist
关键词 著作权 间接侵害 卡拉OK法理 帮助侵权法理 复制补偿金 Copyright Indirect Infringement The Kara OK Rule Contributory Infringement Rule The Compensation to Copy
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