目的探讨32P放射性核素专用敷贴器治疗小儿草莓状血管瘤的效果。方法采用自制的32P专用敷贴器对196例不同年龄段的血管瘤病儿进行敷贴治疗,每天1次,10d为1个疗程。采取个体量化治疗,总吸收剂量12.50~20.00Gy。结果治疗结束后随访1年,<2岁组有效率为94.3%,2~6岁组有效率为92.9%,>6岁组有效率为71.4%,3组比较差异有显著性(χ2=14.41,P<0.05)。结论 32P敷贴器治疗小儿草莓状血管瘤效果好,年龄越小效果越好。该方法方便、安全、无痛苦,易为病儿家属所接受。
Objective To evaluate the effect of ^32 p applicator braehytherapy for strawberry hemangioma in children. Methods This study consisted of 196 kids of various age groups who were treated using self-made ^32p applicator brachytherapy for hemangioma. Once a day, for 10 times, an individual quantization therapy was adopted, with total dosage of 12.50--20.00 Gy. Results Post-therapeutic follow-up of one year showed that the effective power in 〈2-year-old, 2--6-year-old and 〉6-year-old groups was 94.3%, 92.9%, and 71.4 %, respectively, the differences among the three groups being significant (x^2=14.41, P〈0.05). Conclusion ^32p applicator brachytherapy is a simple, safe, and effective therapy, the younger the better, for strawberry hemangioma in children.
Medical Journal of Qilu