目的 通过子宫肌瘤及腺肌病的病理结果及图像分析,提高B超诊断率。方法 经腹部超声探查,患者充盈膀胱后仰卧位,在下腹部作纵、横、斜多切面扫查。结果 B超诊断肌瘤 86例,符合率为95.5%;腺肌病 22例.符合率 68.2%;肌瘤合并腺肌病 19例,符合率 36.6%。结论 两者图像有许多相似之处,但各有不同特征。
Objective To improve the diagnostic corect rate of fibroid and endometriosis interna in ultrasound imaging, comparing the ultrasound findings with the histopathelofical results: Methods To examine the pelvis through abdomen with longitudinal, Transverse or obligue segiments. Results The corect diagnostic rate was 95. 5% in 86 case of fibroid, 62.2% in 22 cases of endometriosis interna, 36.6% in 19 endometriosis interma with fibroid, respectively. Conclusions Though there are a few similar ultrasound findings of the two diseases, they have different characteristics of their own.
Journal of Luoyang Medical College