
试论尼克松时期美国NSC系统的重新建构 被引量:1

摘要 美国国家安全委员会(NSC)自1947年创生,逐渐成为美国外交决策系统的中心,并在历届总统任期内体现出不同的特点。尼克松时期,美国NSC系统在组织和程序上得以重构和改进,NSC在决策体系中的作用得到极大提升,实现了外交决策的总统集权和白宫优势,国家安全顾问基辛格处于掌管NSC系统的核心位置,其权力的极度膨胀不仅造成与国务卿罗杰斯相互竞争,严重抵牾,也在某种程度上降低了国安会体系运作的实际效能,美国外交决策机制的一些理论与现实间的矛盾由此凸显。
作者 孙艳姝
出处 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期194-199,共6页 Social Science Journal
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  • 1牛可.帝国中枢:美国国家安全委员会管窥[J].世界知识,2010(5):64-65. 被引量:4
  • 2卢林.美国NSC的外交决策地位和作用探讨[J].复旦学报(社会科学版),1990,32(6):98-104. 被引量:1
  • 3U. S. Department of State, "History of the National Security Council, 1947--1997", August 1997. http://www, fas. org/irp/offdocs,/NSChistory, htm, 2010 - 05 - 09.
  • 4U. S. Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States( FRUS ) 1964--1968, Volume XXXIII, Document 56, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2004, p. 128.
  • 5U. S. Department of state,FRUS 1969--1976, Volume II,Document 1, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2006, pp. 3, 4 -5, 6.
  • 6U. S. Department of state, FRUS 1969-1976, Volume II, Document 10, washington : United states Government Printing office, 2006, pp. 29 - 30.
  • 7U. S. Department of state, FRUS 1969--1976, Volume II, Document 11, washington : United states Government Printing office. 2006 ,pp. 30-33.
  • 8U. S. Department of state, FRUS 1969--1976, Volume II, Document 13, washington: United states Government Printing office, 2006,pp. 35 - 36.
  • 9Roger Hilsman, To Move a Nation: the Politics of Foreign Policy in the Administration of John F. Kennedy,New York: Doubleday, 1967, pp. 541 -544.
  • 10夏亚峰.试析尼克松政府对外政策决策机制、过程及主要人员[J].史学集刊,2009(4):91-102. 被引量:8


  • 1匡特(William B.Quandt)访谈纪录,2004年8月26日.引自Siniver, Nixon, Kissinger, and U. S. Foreign Policy Making, p. 48.
  • 2索伦菲尔特(Helmut Sonnenfeldt)访谈录,2004年8月13日.引自Siniver, Nixon, Kissinger, and U. S. Foreign Policy Making, p.49.


  • 1Paper Prepared by the Policy Planning Council of the Department of State, June 15, 1968, Foreign Relations of the United States (hereafter cited as FRUS) 1964 -1968, Vol. XXIX, Part l, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2000, p. 433.
  • 2韩国外交通商部:《大韩民国外交文书(1969年)》,929.55号,第1卷,首尔大学中央图书馆藏缩微胶片G-0016号,文件4,第207页.
  • 3Paper Prepared by the Policy Planning Council of the Department of State, June 15, 1968, FRUS, 1964 - 1968, Vol. XXIX, Part 1, p. 433.
  • 4Paper Prepared by the Policy Planning Council of the Department of State, June 15, 1968, FRUS, 1964 - 1968, Vol. XXIX, Part 1, p. 434 -435.
  • 5Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to President Johnson, Dec. 23, 1968, FRUS, 1964 - 1968, Vol. XXIX, Part 1, pp. 455 -456.
  • 6Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to President Johnson, Dec. 23, 1968, FRUS, 1964 - 1968, Vol. XXIX, Part 1, pp.456.
  • 7Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Katzenbach) to President Johnson, Dec. 23, 1968, FRUS, 1964 - 1968, Vol. XXIX, Part 1, pp.457.
  • 8Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs - Designate (Kissinger) to President - Elect Piixon, Dce. 21, 1968, FRUS, 1969 -1976, Vol. II, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2006, pp. 4 -5.
  • 9Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs - Designate (Kissinger) to President - Elect Piixon, Dce. 21, 1968, FRUS, 1969 -1976, Vol. II, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2006, pp. 6.
  • 10National Security Decision Memorandum 4, Jan. 20, 1969, FRUS, 1969 -1976, Vol. II, pp. 35 -36.










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