

The Construction of Bridgehead and Social Undertakings with a Distinctive Yunnan Characteristic
摘要 把云南建成我国向西南开放的重要"桥头堡",是中央的重大战略,这为云南省社会事业发展带来难得的机遇,也对云南省的社会事业发展提出了新的、更高的要求。建设桥头堡的过程本身就是我国向西南开放的过程,是以开发促进云南社会事业发展的过程。云南的社会事业要起到推进桥头堡建设的作用,就要结合云南的实际,走一条既在各项行业的指标上能和全国有可比性的社会事业发展之路,又符合云南实际情况有本省特色的社会事业发展之路。应坚持从多民族地区的实际出发,在社会事业上实行分类指导,深刻理解多民族、多山区和边境线长的区域社会事业的特殊性,遵循其特色和发展规律,制定特殊政策,采取特殊措施,因地因族因事制宜,促进云南各民族的共同繁荣。云南这个中国对西南开放的"桥头堡",应为我国树立一个充满生态环境魅力、多元文化相互尊重和谐共存魅力的"七彩云南"形象,让人们通过云南认识我国在这造福人类的两个方面的亮点和长足的进步。 To build Yunnan into the important bridgehead in China opened up to the southwest area is an important strategy made by the Central Government. It brings precious opportunities to the development of social undertakings in Yunnan as well as new and challenging demands. The construction of the bridgehead is actually a process during which China opens up further to the southwest and during which Yunnan promotes its development of social undertakings. In order for Yunnan' s social undertakings to serve as a propelling force in this course, it is imperative to take into account the actual conditions of Yunnan and to embark on a road of development in social undertakings where the indexes for various industries are comparable to the national level but still maintain the regional flavors. It is thus expected to proceed from the reality of the multi -ethnic areas, to put into practice classified guidance in social undertakings, to develop a deep understanding of the particularities of the social undertakings in an area featured by various ethnieities, mountains and long borderlines, to abide by the law of developmental, to take special measures, and to handle things in an area - oriented, ethnic -specific, and circumstance- dictated fashion along the way to boost the coprosperity amongst all the ethnic peoples in Yunnan. It is hoped that Yunnan, the bridgehead in China' s practices of opening - up to the southwest region, to establish itself a colorful image embodying the charm of ecological environment and the glamour of the harmonious coexistence among varied ethnic peoples, through which people will well recognize China' s progress and achievement along the way to benefit the people as a whole.
作者 杨福泉
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期79-84,共6页 Academic Exploration
关键词 桥头堡 云南特色 社会事业 bridgehead Yunnan characteristic social undertakings
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