

Performance Analysis of Factored Approach and Extended Factored Approach in Doppler-Clarity Region
摘要 在机载雷达杂波抑制的空时处理方法中,FA方法和EFA方法是两种常用的降维方法。给出了这两种方法在多普勒清晰区(即噪声区)改善因子的解析表达式,并从理论上分析了二者改善因子的性能。同时对这两种方法的改善因子随加窗深度的变化关系以及随样本数的变化关系进行了仿真分析。这些理论分析和仿真结果表明,时域滤波器加窗是EFA方法在多普勒清晰区的性能优越于FA方法的原因,同时这些理论分析和仿真结果对于空时处理方法在多普勒清晰区的应用和优化具有参考价值。 Among the existing space-time-adaptive-processing(STAP)approaches for airborne clutter suppression,the factored approach(FA)and the extended factored approach(EFA)are two commonly used dimension-reduction methods.In this paper,analytical expressions of the improvement factor(IF),in the Doppler-clarity region(i.e.,noise region),for both the FA and the EFA are presented and theoretical per-formance analysis of the FA and the EFA are also made.In addition,for each of the two methods,the varia-tion of the IF versus the degree of taper as well as the variation of the IF versus sample number is investigated by using simulations.These theoretical performance analysis and simulation results show that the application of the taper in the time filter is just the reason why the EFA method outperforms the FA method in the Doppler-clarity region and will offer the valuable reference for the practical application and the optimization of the existing STAP approaches in the Doppler-clarity region.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2010年第5期452-457,462,共7页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 降维 空时自适应处理 改善因子 性能分析 dimension reduction space time adaptive processing(STAP) improvement factor(IF) performance analysis
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