
杭州市成人居民健康期望寿命的测算 被引量:22

Calculation of adult residents' health-adjusted life expectancy in Hangzhou
摘要 目的了解杭州市居民的健康状况及分布情况。方法采用沙利文法,利用杭州市社区居民自报健康调查的数据和HOPIT模型计算得到杭州市各年龄组的伤残测度,并结合简略寿命表,测算杭州市居民的健康期望寿命(HALE)。结果杭州市20~岁成年人的HALE为52.53年,而60~岁成年人HALE为6.29年。总体上,杭州市居民HALE值随着年龄的增加而降低,女性高于男性,市区高于郊县。以郊县女性老年人群HALE最低。结论杭州市居民HALE存在明显的年龄、性别和城乡差异。 Objective To understand the health states and distribution attained by populations in Hangzhou.Methods Healthadjusted life expectancy calculation was performed by the Sullivan Method: the Hangzhou community self-reported health survey data and HOPIT model were used to estimate the severity-adjusted prevalence,the disability prevalence data and the life table data was used to calculate HALE.Results HALE at 20~ years old was 52.53 years,and 6.29 years for 60~ years old.In the mass, the residents were older,the value of HALE was smaller;HALE for females was greater than that for males,and urban was bigger than counties.The lowest level of HALE was elderly in counties.Conclusions There were enormous differences in HALE between different age,sex,urban or counties.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 2010年第12期1171-1174,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 浙江省医药卫生科学研究基金计划(2007A168)
关键词 健康期望寿命 HOPIT模型 Sullivan方法 Health-adjusted life expectancy HOPIT model Sullivan method
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