选择自制还原剂001和市售M2002抗起毛起球剂作为整理剂,并将二者结合对羊毛针织物进行抗起球起毛整理研究。结果表明,当还原剂001的浓度为1%、整理液pH值为9±0.2、整理温度90℃、整理时间60 min时,可以将羊毛针织物的抗起毛起球等级从2.0级提高到3.5级;使用市售M2002再进一步整理,其抗起毛起球等级可以提高到4.5级。
This paper uses the self-made reducing agent 001 and M2002 sold in the market as finishing agents to treat the wool knitted fabric for obtaining the anti-pilling property.The research results show that when the concentration of reducing agent 001 is 1%,the pH value of finishing solution is 9±0.2,the finishing temperature is 90 ℃ and the finishing time is 60 minutes,the anti-pilling level can be improved from 2 to 3.5,and if using M2002 to make further treatment,the anti-pilling level can be improved to 4.5 at most.
Knitting Industries