
历史与现实之间的诗意和解——试论文学在施林克小说《朗读者》中的仪式化作用 被引量:5

On the Ritualizing Role of Literature in The Reader
摘要 人们一直把文学看作不关乎日常的东西,文学在理性化的现实面前已被边缘化了,而施林克在《朗读者》这部小说里调动文学的特殊力量让德国人接受了一次罪责敏感症的治疗,文学世界成了处在焦虑中人们的精神庇护所。在施林克小说里,贯穿着对文学"神性"复归的向往,无论是个人化的朗读与倾听,还是社会化的文学创作都在整部小说里灌输了"神奇"的功用,而在将现实转化成虚构的过程中,文学朗读事件扮演着仪式化的作用。 People always regard literature as something that is not concerned with everyday life. In front of the rationalized reality, literature becomes peripheral. Bernhard Schlink, author of the novel The Reader (Der Vorleser), has realized a literary therapy's function in that way of his special narrative capability. The literature world has become spiritual refuge of the people in anxiety. The desire of return to the divine of literature is penetrated throughout in the novel. Either the reading-ritual on the listener/reader's part or the poetic writing is imbued with mystical function. And reading plays a ritualizing role in the process of conversing the reality into a literary fiction.
作者 施显松
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2010年第6期64-68,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 文学仪式化 精神庇护所 文学与启蒙 ritualizing of literature spiritual refuge literature and enlightenment
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