急诊医学是一门独立 并具有特色的医学专业。目前在全球范围内存在着两种主要的急诊医护模式,各国的急诊医学己经形成了一个国际网络,通过多种形式进行专业交流,互相促进,对急诊医学在全世界范围内的发展起到了十分重要的作用。
Emergency medicine is
being established as a unique and independent speciality throughout the world .Two major models of emergency care delivery exist in the world today : the Anglo -American and the Franco -German model Most countries devel-oping new systems of emergencv care are fol-lowing the Anglo -American model and are re-capitulating the sequence of steps taken to es-tablish the svstems of emergency medicine in the United States, The most important step in the development of emergency medicine in other countries is the recognition that emergency medicine incorporates a unique body of knowledge requiring specialized practitioners or emergency physicians . A global network of emergency medicine worldwide and now in-cludes international emergency medicine is as-sisting the development of emergency
medicine worldwide and now includes international organizations, academic institutions , and individuals in countries where emergency medicine is mature and their counterparts in countries where emergency medicine is devel-oping .The multilevel exchange of Information through various modalities , such as international conferences , physician exchange pro-grams , and print or electronic media , is playing a vital role in the search for internationally ap-plicable systems of emergency care.
emergency medicine,model,development