组织乏氧是许多疾病 的重要病理、生理特征之一。在病死率最高的心、脑血管疾病和恶性肿瘤中,病灶通常处于乏氧状态。作为显示能量代谢变化的显像之一,乏氧显像能检测处于乏氧但又存活的组织,如冬眠心肌、缺血心肌和脑缺血病灶;除探查肿瘤部位外,还可用于诊断肿瘤的氧态,鉴别其恶性程度,为治疗方案的选择提供依据。临床已用于肿瘤诊断,并显示出良好的应用前景。
In jeopardized myocardium
in patients with coronary artery disease, is-chemia of brain in cerebrai vascular disease and in some tumours , hypoxia would be the major pathophysiolocal cases. Fordetecting metabol-ic changes in the tissue , the hypoxia -avid imaging can detect injured but stiil viable
tissue , such as hibernating or ischemic my-ocardium and ischemic cerebrai tissue, or detect cancer and metastasis lesion in the body, evaluate the hypoxic degree of tumour tissue , which may be helpful for differentiatlng malig-nant tumour from benignant and decision -making of the treatment methods of cancer . The clinical investigations on hypoxia imaging of cancers have demonstrated that, hypoxia -avid imaging for delineating tumours was very promising and would be used as a noninvasive technique for diagnosis of heart, brain diseases and cancers.
hypoxia-avid Imaging, cardiovascular disease , cerebral vascular disease, tumour