

Fuzzy image quality measurement for blocking artifacts images
摘要 研究和讨论了图像质量评估方法,提出一种基于模糊推理的块效应评估标准。假设图像由平滑区域、边缘区域以及纹理区域等组成,而且不同的区域应采用不同的方法进行质量评估。在此基础上,给出了三个分别适用于不同区域的图像质量评估因子,并提出了一个灵活的模糊图像质量评估方法。此方法把块效应和图像本身具有的边缘分开,防止了边缘会被误认为是块效应。仿真结果表明,提出的标准对于不同的图像具有鲁棒性,有一般图像质量评价标准的性能。 Addressing to the topic of image quality measurement,a new fuzzy logic-based blocking artifacts measurement is proposed.Assuming that an image is composed of edget,exture and smooth regionst,hen three different quality factors are de-fined and applied to their respective regions according to several fuzzy inference rules.This method separates the blocking effects from the original edges in the image,and avoids the edges being mistaken as blocking effects.Simulation results show that the proposed metric is robust for different kind of images,and has the general performance of image quality evaluation metric.
作者 谢侃 韩国强
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第35期212-214,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60573019)~~
关键词 块效应 图像质量评估 模糊逻辑 blocking artifactsi mage quality measurementf uzzy logic
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