目的:探讨肺曲菌病的CT表现和诊断价值。方法:本组病例6例,分别经手术病理和治疗随访证实,男性3例,女性3例,年龄32~60岁。5例有轻重不一的发热、咳嗽、胸痛、铁锈色痰或血丝痰,1例无任何症状和体征。采用SIEMENS SENSATION 16层螺旋CT,6例均行CT平扫。肺窗:WW1500HU,WC-500HU;纵隔窗:WW400HU,WC40HU。4例加行多方位图像重建(MPR)。结果:病灶位于右肺2例,左肺4例。2例表现为孤立性实质性结节,直径10 mm^37 mm,类圆形,边缘可见棘突及"晕影"。4例为空洞性结节,直径15 mm^87 mm,其中2例具有"新月"征,2例具有"滚珠"征。结论:肺曲菌病早期影像表现缺乏特征性,当病变局限形成曲菌球,尤其具备"新月征"和"滚珠征"时,才是CT诊断的可靠依据。
Objective:To evaluate the CT appearance and diagnosis of the aspergillosis.Methods:SIX patients with aspergillosis confirmed by operative pathology or therapeutic following-up were retrospectively analyzed.The patients with age from32to 60 years old.Results:The seven lesions with the longest dimention from 10 mm^37 mm were respectively located at the right lung(n=2 cases) and left lung(n=4 cases).The appearances of the pulmonary aspergillosis were followed as a solitary pulmonary nodule with the "hole sign"(n=2 cases) and a hollow lesion with the "meniscus sign" or "rolling ball sign"(n=2 cases).Conclusions:There is no diagnostic specificity of the imaging appearances in early phase of the aspergillosis.The aspergilloma is the special CT signs while with the? "meniscus sign" or "rolling ball sign".
Aerospace Medicine
Pulmonary aspergillosis
Computer Tomography